
HPC 101

Mon, Sep 18, 2023, 12:00 – 2:00 PM EDT
Science Center 101
HPC 101
The purpose of this event is to introduce attendees to high-performance computing (HPC), with a focus on two primary areas. First, we will discuss the general architecture of such systems and consider appropriate pedagogical and research use cases. Second, we will cover specifics of accessing and using Strelka, Swarthmore’s local HPC cluster. Lunch will be provided!

While no prior experience with HPC systems is required, attendees may find it helpful to create an account on Strelka and become minimally familiar with Linux and working with the command line, especially for those with limited or no experience in such environments. Instructions to create an account are available here:

Once you have an account, you can take a course to learn how to work on the command line, such as this (but please note, most similar courses, including this one, go into much greater depth than is required to get up and running):



Jason Simms

Manager of Research Computing

Contact us


Science Center 101


  • Student
  • Staff
  • Faculty